Vita: Darling Fitch is an American-born, Berlin-based writer, musician and performance artist. Their performance work has appeared in festivals internationally, including the Dixon Place HOT! Fest, the Edinburgh Fringe and the Month of Performance Art-Berlin. Fitch holds a merit award in fiction writing from the National Foundation for Advancement in 
the Arts. Recent poetry publications include Slanted House, Ghost City Review, Transnational Queer Underground (TQU) and the Berlin Art Prize Catalogue. In April 2018, Fitch finished the three-year durational multimedia project A Stranger Sound, an auto-ethnographic narrative of gender transition and community. They are currently touring Revelations: A Hopeful, Harsh-Noise Poetry Pop Opera About the End of the World and Our Place In It.

Other Projects: Queer Performance Art

Darling’s Advice: Just fucking do it already