Vita: Before becoming a self-taught filmmaker and journalist, Emily studied theology and ethics in Los Angeles and Edinburgh. She has since created music videos, web series, short films and documentaries on three continents. Her writing has appeared in Huffington Post, The Daily Beast, Deutsche Welle, US News and World Report as well as in-print magazines, zines and new media story platforms. Her 2018 short film „Voice Over,“ about the German dubbing industry, has been playing in European festivals since February 2019. She is currently in post-production on a feature-length documentary about Die Ratgeber and is directing her first theatre performance show with the group.Advice: You’re the only one who knows when you’ve pushed yourself beyond the limit. Trust the voice that tells you when to move forward, and when to move on.

Other Projects: Cinema, Screenplay & Writing

Emily’s Advice: You’re the only one who knows when you’ve pushed yourself beyond the limit. Trust the voice that tells you when to move forward, and when to move on.